
Let GO...

This is the 3rd week of 2nd semester.... lots of work to do... hope to have planning.... but all the plans do not work at all.... situation always change... lots of incident...

Im holding too much responsibility... i also don know whether i manage to handle all or not... im just a normal student, nothing special... but lots of responsibility on my shoulder.... is like too heavy...

I hope to learn more new things... but at this moment, i think i need to think which part should i let go.... i need to learn how to let go... college activity, faculty activity, YES, 社服.... im also a uni student and my parent daughter... i need to take care of my study... keep my relationship close with my family... i understand that myself won manage to cope so much things in one moment... im the kind that cant let go my study.... i really hope i can be 50%-50%.... but the reality seems not so easy for me to decide what i wanna do...

At the end, i think i need to think wisely what should i let go... or at first, i should not take so much job... as i cant concentrate in doing all those thing... it won work and would not be perfect... who can tell me what should i do???

2 条评论:

~本姑娘我~ 说...

gambateh!!the only word i can say!!jiayou!kary!

yen:leng 说...

u thnk carefully wat u want at dis moment,wat u want 2 do ,wat u wish 2 get at dis uni life ..oways support u^^